The past six months have seen strong growth in the ARK community, including
registration of 74 new ARK organizations. As always we welcome new volunteers
for our working groups, especially those interested in raising ARK awareness
and curating requests for new ARK organizations. Please let us know via email
We now have stunning new vinyl ARK Alliance stickers! They are in a standard
hexagonal format suitable for tiling your laptop, phone, refrigerator, etc.
Currently they can only be ordered online here via Stickermule.

We are also happy to announce that a 3-hour ARK tutorial has been given this
year at the annual Code4lib and IIIF conferences (slides here). There are
four more tutorials coming up:
Finally we would like to announce availability of the ARK Community Code of
Conduct. This document represents consensus across the ARK Alliance Advisory
Group and the NAAN Registry, Outreach, and Technical Working Groups. Working
documents for these groups are linked from the sidebar on the ARKA wiki.
With a total of over 1100, here are the 74 newest ARK organizations
registered between 2022-12-14 and 2023-06-11:
- Cambridge University Library
- Indiana University Library Technologies
- National Library of Israel
- National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
- Leipzig University Library
- University of Edinburgh
- Lexidoo
- Academia Itapecuruense de Ciências, Letras e Artes
- reDesign journal
- REDict
- Project Tirtha
- Justo de la Cueva dokumentu eta artxibo gunea
- BiUSI – Biblioteche dell’Università della Svizzera italiana
- Cartodebat
- FernUni Schweiz, UniDistance Suisse
- University of Geneva
- dipongo
- Cuadernos de Administración
- SCIENCEVOLUTION Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo
- Mathena Education
- HiRADa
- Congo Research Papers
- Hacker Archive
- Chemins d’avenirs
- Centre d’écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive
- Impala
- Grains’up
- Bibliothèque patrimoniale – Ville de Montauban
- Opéra national de Paris
- Zeeuws Archief
- Jongleur Pictures LLC
- Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Facultad de Ingeniería Revista Tekhné
- Kwyk
- Revista Eletronica de Linguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras
- Revista de Economía Social y Solidaria CIRIEC Costa Rica
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries
- Toyota Research Institute
- Design Museum Gent
- Archives at NCBS
- Tennessee State Library and Archives
- International Technology and Education Journal
- Spiridon
- revista Universidad Médica Pinareña
- Fundación Miguel Lillo
- Futur en herbe
- International Bureau of Weights and Measures
- Herbarium, Biodiversity Research Museum, Academia Sinica
- Institut des belles-lettres arabes
- DIVA museum
- Remulci: Revista Multidisciplinaria de Investigación Científica
- Université de Toulouse
- Archives Camoin
- CASIO France
- SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts
- Signes Emergents
- Academic Software BV
- Fiocruz. Revista Fitos
- KDetude
- Aula Virtual
- Revista Académica Internacional de Educación Física
- Research Inspiration
- Journal of Experimental and Molecular Biology
- Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg
- Amsterdam Time Machine
- Goodwin Archive